Chinese Medicine lifestyle teachings/coaching/advice around the 5 key aspects that influence your wellness and may need rebalancing to obtain your health goal.
Whiteboard mapping of your 5 Elements of Wellness to determine where the imbalances are. Coaching given on balancing.
This is great woven in with acupuncture sessions in a 1:3 ratio or with a la carte aspects.
Includes personalized teachings and answers to any questions on spirit or medicine.
Available in-person or via Telehealth.
Same amazing coaching as the 60 minute with 30 extra minutes of Chinese Medicine coaching goodness.
Can be in-person or via Telehealth.
A full 2 hours of Chinese Medicine lifestyle coaching as above.
This is exceptional when paired with your EMAP for dialed in focus that will create big shifts.
Can be in-person or via Telehealth.
Chinese divination techniques for clarity and direction. Not intended to foretell future events.
Ancient Chinese diagnostic method of reading the face for health and future. Paired with pulse diagnosis. Shamanic visions may present during the session.
Rough determination of your primary Elemental (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) via facial observation and brief questioning. Exact Elemental percentages are determined in your EMAP (see below details).
From determination of your Elemental and brief questioning about your desired mate, you will be provided facial details and primary words used that can identify your best pairing options.
No guarantee of matching. Creates educated sorting and refining of matches in an efficient way.
Facial diagnostic reading for health and future + I Ching, Kwan Yin or Luck Stick readings. Shamanic visions may present during the session.
Move the Qi in the body with our private or community offerings.
This ancient movement art uses slow movements to create mobility, longevity and balance both sides of the body creating stabilization. Various forms are broken down into individual movements with focus on proper breathing and postures.
Please see our events page for upcoming Qi Gong offerings.
Divination techniques not intended to foretell future events.
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