See event calendar for public ceremonies. All private offerings below require pre- and post spiritual coaching. Discovery call pre-requisite.
Removal of energetic attachments in your body. These attachments can be formed via any interaction or relationship.
This is more complete than 'cord cutting'.
Energies are sent back to the other party.
Symptoms of attachment can be pinpoint pain, sluggishness, inability to move forward, migraines, foggy headedness, etc..
Removal is done in ceremony on site.
Clearing energies and entities on your land, home, office or vehicle.
This healing ceremony requires multiple sessions before and after.
Pieces of your soul lost in current and past lives are retrieved and brought back to you and returned to your current body.
Requires Shamanic journeying by Dr. Cliff.
Performed on-site or Telehealth.
Cord removal and soul retrieval for your Ancestors.
Determination of the Spirit Animal that attached to you at birth and supports you throughout life.
The Medicines of this Spirit Animal help to guide your life and are reflected in your own character. Study of the Spirit Animal and its life habits will help reveal aspects of yourself.
Requires Shamanic journeying by Dr. Cliff.
Done in ceremony on-site or Telehealth.
Severing of vows made intentionally, contractually, verbally or via trauma in personal or business relationships.
Provides freedom to all parties to move forward in their lives without duty and responsibility to another.
Workings and wards for protection from unwanted things or calling in and attracting wanted things.
Lifting of prayers on sacred smoke.
Dr. Cliff takes private prayer requests for daily lifting on sacred smoke. Please feel free to text directly with prayer requests.
A Sacred Pipe Ceremony is a group prayer ceremony with each individual lifting up their own prayers. This is a beautiful way to ask for healing, ease in death/dying, or for any need where community support is needed. {While there is no payment for prayer ceremony, there is an expected exchange offering. Please see FAQs.}
All Spiritual services require several sessions to create relationship prior to any spiritual working.