Start here if you are new to Phoenix Moon.
This brief call is to clarify any questions you have regarding the options below and to ascertain if Phoenix Moon is a good fit for you and vice versa.
This 1.5-2 hour session will discuss your area of concern(s), your medical history, my initial diagnosis and various care options. No acupuncture or other services are given during this session in order to give you time to make an informed decision regarding your care. You will be sent a detailed online intake form to fill out prior to our session.
Use of lasers, stones, herbs & feathers can also be used for stimulation of acupuncture points for those skittish of acupuncture needles.
A 60 minute session including brief consultation, tongue & pulse diagnosis, acupuncture and AcuNap. Gua Sha, Cupping and other physical medicine modalities included as needed.
*AcuNap is the time on the table with the needles to chill, snore, drool or talk in your sleep. Some people sleep or rest, some have visions, some journey.
This style of acupuncture is very different in needle technique and treatment approach.
Acupuncture needles are inserted into ashi points (aka Ah-Shit! points; pain trigger points), a technique of release is performed, the needle is removed and the next ashi point is located. Practitioner remains in the room during session majority.
Exceptional for pain, dysfunction, structural rebalancing, range of motion, and overall balancing.
Results are generally noticeable immediately.
For those who desire Chinese Medicine teachings/coaching/advice and acupuncture in the same session. A 30-45 minute coaching session is followed by acupuncture and AcuNap. Teachings are tailored specifically for you and your area of concern. Does not include a 5 Elements of Wellness breakdown.
Great for those seeking longer periods of relaxation and disconnection.
This replaces the former 90 minute acupuncture only option.
Chinese Medicine lifestyle teachings/coaching/advice around the 5 key aspects that influence your wellness and may need rebalancing to obtain your health goal. Whiteboard mapping of your 5 Elements of Wellness to determine where the imbalances are. Coaching given on balancing. This is great woven in with acupuncture sessions in a 1:3 ratio or with a la carte aspects below.
Includes personalized teachings and answers to any questions on spirit or medicine
Available in-person or via Telehealth.
Same amazing coaching as the 60 minute with 30 extra minutes of Chinese Medicine coaching goodness.
Can be in-person or via Telehealth.
A full 2 hours of Chinese Medicine lifestyle coaching as above.
This is exceptional when paired with your EMAP for dialed in focus that will create big shifts.
Can be in-person or via Telehealth.
This 4+ hour session is tailored completely around you. We will design a combination of any of the services you need for multi-level healing. Includes 60 minute follow-up session in the week after for support and assistance processing anything that may have came up for you during the day.
The day will begin and end with prayer lifted on Sacred Smoke and a calling/releasing ceremony.
Prescribed Chinese Herbal formulations in tea, tablet, capsule, or micro tea-pill formations, essential oil blends, stone elixirs and vaginal suppositories.
Ancient Chinese diagnostic method of reading the face for health and future. Paired with pulse diagnosis. Shamanic visions may present during the session.
Rough determination of your primary Elemental (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) via facial observation and brief questioning. Exact Elemental percentages are determined in your EMAP (see below details).
From determination of your Elemental and brief questioning about your desired mate, you will be provided facial details and primary words used that can identify your best pairing options.
No guarantee of matching. Creates educated sorting and refining of matches in an efficient way.
Facial diagnostic reading for health and future + I Ching, Kwan Yin or Luck Stick readings. Shamanic visions may present during the session.
Food As Medicine (FAM) is a review of your current diet and eating habits and determination of the 1 aspect to change to have a 500% impact on your health. You will walk away with suggestions of implementation for the 500% impact.
May include a food list and dosing suggestion for one area of concern or organ imbalance.
No cultural heritage consideration is applied here.
Chinese Dietary Therapy is a deep investigative look at your current diet and nutrition. We will look at your ancestral and cultural aspects, current digestive system processes and any health concerns to create a full circle rebalancing of your diet.
May require on-site observations of kitchens, dining areas, pantries and kitchen organization for determination of qi stagnation and imbalances.
*If you need Ancestral research, investigations by my genealogy researcher incur additional fees.
Our certified genealogy researcher will work to uncover and discover your Ancestral connections and family history and/or history of the land under your home or office.
Genealogy helps to determine genetic influences as well as Ancestral traumas that may be impacting your current health.
Land history uncovers history and story impacting wellness.
Determination of ancestral history also used in formation of Chinese Dietary Therapy plans.
You weren't born with an instruction manual. This is as close as you will ever come. Twenty to forty pages of information about you according to your 1-in-4 Trillion moment of first breath.
Includes 60 minute review session.
Exact time of birth required.
Three week delivery date.
Contact for more information.
This detailed report looks at two or more E-MAP™ profiles** and outlines how they balance each other and identifies aspects that will require more concerted attentions (potential conflicts or opposing dynamics).
Great for couples and nuclear families (parents, ex-spouses, children, step parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc).
Fabulous for business team formation.
Includes 60 minute review session.
**E-MAPs not included.
See event calendar for public ceremonies. All private offerings below require pre- and post spiritual coaching. Discovery call pre-requisite.
Removal of energetic attachments in your body. These attachments can be formed via any interaction or relationship.
This is more complete than 'cord cutting'.
Energies are sent back to the other party.
Symptoms of attachment can be pinpoint pain, sluggishness, inability to move forward, migraines, foggy headedness, etc..
Removal is done in ceremony on site.
Clearing energies and entities on your land, home, office or vehicle.
This healing ceremony requires multiple sessions before and after.
Pieces of your soul lost in current and past lives are retrieved and brought back to you and returned to your current body.
Requires Shamanic journeying by Dr. Cliff.
Performed on-site or Telehealth.
Cord removal and soul retrieval for your Ancestors.
Determination of the Spirit Animal that attached to you at birth and supports you throughout life. The Medicines of this Spirit Animal help to guide your life and are reflected in your own character. Study of the Spirit Animal and its life habits will help reveal aspects of yourself.
Requires Shamanic journeying by Dr. Cliff.
Done in ceremony on-site or Telehealth.
Severing of vows made intentionally, contractually, verbally or via trauma in personal or business relationships.
Provides freedom to all parties to move forward in their lives without duty and responsibility to another.
Workings and wards for protection from unwanted things or calling in and attracting wanted things.
Lifting of prayers on sacred smoke.
Dr. Cliff takes private prayer requests for daily lifting on sacred smoke. Please feel free to text directly with prayer requests.
A Sacred Pipe Ceremony is a group prayer ceremony with each individual lifting up their own prayers. This is a beautiful way to ask for healing, ease in death/dying, or for any need where community support is needed. {While there is no payment for prayer ceremony, there is an expected exchange offering. Please see FAQs.}
Care to your doorstep.
'Point-to-point' service provided in your home or office.
Your home apothecary is full stocked with items specific to the needs of your family and household members. Labels and instruction cards for use, dosing and contraindications are included.
Restocking fees as needed.
Seasonal subscription option available on online store (includes restocking).
Work with a master strategist to help you identify obstacles to productivity and actualization of goals.
Receive help breaking goals into actionable steps with clearly defined weekly goals.
Accountability touchpoints included.
All-Inclusive option for one individual.
Family plan option available (call for details).
Four month minimum commitment required.
Sessions are not rolled over.
Included workshops are offered onsite and by Phoenix Moon only. Does not include non-affiliated workshops.
*Coaching may be done by Dr. Cliff or one of her apprenticing coaches under her direct supervision. **All sessions include Dr. Cliff's intuitive diagnostics and point selections in addition to classical and traditional treatments.